LSE (The London School of Economics and Political Science) is one of the most important online resource to get the data about the Media Studies assignments. You can find a lot of E-books and journal articles related to the Media Studies assignment on this amazing site. The News and Policies related to the Media are also published on this amazing site. There are a lot of newspapers, historical newspapers, foreign newspapers, media policy and regulation, intergovernmental organizations, and audiovisual material related to the Media Studies are available. Some specialist resources like archives and special collections, thesis, current research papers, and press freedom related to the Media Studies are also available.
The most important online journals in order to collect the data for the Media Studies assignments are given below;
a) Feminist Media Studies
b) Media, Culture & Society
c) Critical Studies in Media Communication
d) Camera Obscura (journal)
e) Journal of Communication Inquiry
f) Critical Arts
These are the most important journals in order to collect the data for you Media Studies assignments. However, you can also find a lot of other journals in order to find some important data related to the Media Studies assignments.
Some other sites to get Media Studies assignment data are ProQuest, ResearchGate, Academia, online libraries of different universities, and web search. On these sites, there are a lot of assignments, research papers, thesis, dissertations, and academic papers are available. You can read these academic papers in order to get the data for the Media Studies assignments.
You can also get enough data from the internet just by typing your keyword on any web browser. You can get a lot of sites that will provide you a huge amount of data for your Media Studies assignment. However, if you are still not able to find some reliable online resources to get the data for your Media Studies assignment, then you can get help from the assignment writing services. In these assignment writing services, there are expert assignment writers and these expert assignment writers will provide you a lot of online resources in order to collect the data for your assignment.